cheater ?

a married friend with kids, has an on-line love connecion, that spills over to text messaging and cell phone calls. The on-line love lives no too far (about 1 hour) and is also married with kids.
Both parties met in a survivors of gastric bypass support group and have lost about 100 pounds each. The last text message the wife found said"You are so crazeee. Love Ya- Dawn. " the kid over heard dad talking on his cell to this woman and squealed.
This is the third time in Steakbellie and my marriage we have gone through friends who have strayed. Very weird and ALWAYS effects the friendship.
Is this scenario cheating?
My gut reaction is YUP. The intent is there. I've never seen a scenario like this NOT end up in tears.
(Side note: I knew a guy who lived with his girlfriend Friday through Monday and with his wife and kids Tuesday through Thursday for FIFTEEN YEARS before his wife found out. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth...)
I caught my first wife and my (then) best friend in bed together years ago. (I ran over his foot with my motorcycle the next day. It made me feel better. I miss the bike - 1976 Yamaha chopper.) Anyway, in hindsight, I could see that they'd been flirting for months before acting. It sounds like your friends are cyber-flirting. It's a dangerous game that's probably already gone too far.
We haven't found a way, either, to maintain a friendship with both parties in a deal like this - it's too easy to blame one for the pain of the other, and that's hard to deal with when you care for both.
My dad had a gastric bypass. It's a hard way to lose weight.
oh Chris, you always brighten my day !!!!
Whether or not this is "cheating" all depends on the boundaries, rules and expectations that this couple has laid out for themselves.
To me, this is not cheating, but then again, I prefer to have open relationships myself for a number of reasons. But it sounds like this ain't no swingin couple, and obviously the wife is upset with this ..ahem..."friendship", so if SHE thinks it's cheating, then it it doesn't matter if other people agree or disagree - she's been betrayed.
Kat- excellent point!!!!
Well said, Kat!
My gut tells me yes too! It is easy to allow a relationship like this to become something more then just a friendship. Then next thing you know you are hiring a private investigator. I am one who believes in total commitment in a marriage.
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